Horse Slaughter
Did you know that Wild Horses roam Nevada, Montana and South Dakota? They Do but there Numbers our shrinking with every new Building and House. But lack of land is not the only reason Wild Mustangs are disappearing. Every year hundreds of Mustangs our Slaughtered right under our very noses. The BLM (Bureau of Land Management) is saving most of them by Capturing them and Auctioning them off to good homes but they do not have power over The Burns Bill. Which Allows wild horses older than 10 years or those horses not adopted after three times to be slaughtered. Now for those who do not know a Ten year old horse has the same energy as a Two or three year old horse. Is this Fare to the horses? No, that is why i have started a Petitionto stop Wild horse Slaughter. If you would like to help the Fight the war Against Horse Slaughter then write a letter to Terri Farley (Address Below) Expressing your concern about horse Slaughter. To my Family Members if you would like to Sign My Petition then please email me telling so and i will send it as soon as i can.
c/o Harper Collins Children's Books Author Mail1350 Avenue of the Americas New York, NY 10019
Please Help stop Horse Slaughter!
Your Truly-
Wow, I have never heard of that before,it is just awful. It is simply amazing, and horrid, what man kind has come up with to try and ruin the beauty that God put on this Earth.
I will deffenatly sign your petition.
God Bless,
9:03 PM
I will send it too Paige and when you go over some time you can sign it.
10:27 PM
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